Software Engineer, Erias Ventures
Feb, 2021 - Present
Big data devops engineer working with large Kubernetes applications and supporting microservices.
Situationional Intelligence Services (SIS) - a division of Cryptologic Knowledge Solutions (CKS)
Build out and manage multiple Kuberenetes (v1.15+) clusters within three environments, including over 100 nodes.
Build out and manage Cassandra (v3.11+) clusters that handle 1.5 billion events per day.
Manage the continuous integration and deployment of production level code to various environments with Jenkins, ArgoCD, and Rancher.
Implement various open source technologies and even contribute to some of those technologies. Including ArgoCD and CassKop.
Automated various processes which increased developer efficiency. Including deployment processes and automated code testings.
Research, plan, and develop the project;s low side AWS eVo development environment.
Bridge the gap of communication between developers, operations, and management.